Saturday, September 19, 2009

Paiting in Siena
This website is the first I found it,it didn't had any games.However,it had a picture,Therefore, I look the paiting and read the post on it.This website is let me learned that the aritst Duccio is a precursor of the Renaissance style.Also,it influences some church.I choose this pait is called ''The Last Supper'',it is from Buoninsegna.This picture is look like plain,However, it can look though the paiting.Therefore,I think that is the sepecial place in the pait.
This is the next one website,it is also talk about Painting in Siena.I leanred that the Duccio who is impact the Painting in Siena,Duccio is use some stronh color to pait a picture.Also,sometimes will use the gold to create some patterns.I choose this paiting is Madonna and Child by Andrea,this painting is shows the particular style.I think is a speical place I like it

Sunday, September 6, 2009

This is the first website that I found it,this website it is not for little chirden read.Therefore,it didn't had any games or music.I choose this picture it because that is Giotto statue,it is symbolize Giotto.That is I choose this picture cause.I learned that Giotto is a ltalian famous paiting,the
''The Meeting at the Golden Gate'' is also his pait opus.Therefore,I think his paiting work it is very excellent.Then everyone is so admire his good skiill.
This is the other website that I was found it,this website is all about Giotto.It has Giotto paitings and all about his lift things.Therefore,I choose this paiting it because I think when teacher Aaron give we to look this paiting.I was feel the pait is so beautiful,it is s
cenes from the Meeting at the Golden Gate.
And it is a about of Joachim and Anna kiss,their face it had tell us their really love each other.Conseqvenly,I think this paiting is very good.