Saturday, May 17, 2008

Trip around the world part 2

I find a webiste is called『 visit Scotland』,in that webiste I found all the Scotland fun plase.That had introductory lot of good scenic spots ,and then ther is just like a aristocratic,and there has a famous anthor is Robert Louis Stevenson.And then there has a『Stone of Destiny』,you can go there in the first day,and go to the Edinburgh Castle,there has many about the Edinburgh history.In the night,you can slept in a holiday camp,but you need to see there weather,becouse sometimes were ren.The Scotland is nineteen century big nation,and there people is lot.


JUDY said...

next time I hope I can go with you.

Savant English School said...

AN alright job, but some of the history is a bit lacking. I think you could have read and reported a bit more than what you did.