Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Saturday, June 5, 2010


The Universe comprises everything perceived to exist physically, the word Universe is usually defined as encompassing everything. The scientist have lot of evidences of survey howold is universe,I think maybe thereis another space that is bigger and older than universe.The Universe expanded from an extremely hot

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni it was born at 6 March 1475, and die at 18 February 1564. Michelangelo was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. He had a name it is "masterpiece".

I think this paiting is beautiful because I think the lines is cleary, Also, I can feels the mother it had a slight sorrowful. Then the shirt of the mother wrinkles fold it is obvious, it is amazing because this is a sculpture.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Duerer's paitings

Name:The Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand
I choose this paiting it because I think it is magnificent,However,I think the paiting it had too many things.Therefore,it is a little disorder.Durer used humanism, perspective, realism, symbolism and attention to detail to make the image a truly haunting one.The men of higher classes, mostly church officials, are the ones doing the torturing in the picture.
Name:Adoration of the Magi
The man in the center is Duerer,he uses his own appearance to draw that men.This is the characteristic of Duerer's art,the perspective had used in this painting. Therefore, it shows Duerer's skills.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My trip of Da Vinci Exhibit

I didn't take any pictures on the show's entrance,However,I have take the photo of Danny and Howard and David.They are quazy on out side.
In the exhibit, it includes many of Da Vinci inventions' model.However,there are just had two is the real one Da Vinci wrote notes.I think that is cool,because Da Vinci it had his own words.Therefore,wecan't learn it and understand it.That was aslo because he is died,I like the clock, it designed well.The clock it is work by the gear wheels,Da Vinci is not just make some cool machine.He also paint it,that was what he was a characteristic "Renaissance man".

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Leonardo's invention

This website is about Leonardo's inventions.It had intourdus a lot of blue paint about the machines.For excamples there had a war machineflights, hydraulic, and bridge.Also,now had many scientist take Leonardo's blue paint to make it then use it.

This is the Various hydraulic machines,Leonardo make the work on hydraulic it is do for Ludovico il Moro.Also,in 2001 it had people make one smaller bridge.

This blue paint is a helicopter,but it is smaller then now the modern one,this mechine it can fly on the sky.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Renaissance harmany and beauty

The Birth of Venus c. 1485 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
This pait spiecal place is the people is stand very stright,it is stright like the trees.I feel examzing about that,because I can't belive the person can strightlike that.Also,in the paiting the people face and their body all are perfect, it didn't look like a real person.

painting is "The last judgement" by Michelangelo in 1536-41
This paiting it had a balance in it,one side of people is go to the heaven,and other side people is down to the inferno.I think this park is very cool.Jesus is sits the middle of the top,it let he look more powerful.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Images of Devotion in Renaissance Art
This website is talk about the Renaissance art and how it comes,is more liflike than before in the Midle Ages.The artis more liflike than before in the Midle Ages,Giotto was the first one to painted like that. Even he lived more than a century before the beginning of the Renaissance, he paintings show real life.

Mona Lisa
by Leonardo da Vinci

In this painting, it is the first time he use his new way to paint. It called"sfumato" to make the feeling of the space.Her eyes will always looking at you. Even you walk around. Although the technique is easy, but the person and the background looked very harmonious, let it became a very famous.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Apprenticeship and workshops in the Renaissance
This site is talk about the Giovanni Bellini's life,in the before.He is work at his father workship,Also,he is become a good master at there.When he knows how to paint,he is wins his teacher.In renaissance student want to win there teacher it need to study very hurd and help their master a lot.Then you can have a chice to win your teacher.
In this website it is talk about a famous workshop in the Renaissance. Verrocchio, it is an Italian sculptor, goldsmith and painter. His students has includes many famous master,like Leonardo da Vinci. Some famour paiting also is assisted by Leonardo da Vinci and the other member.
In now our world,we can pay some money tp learn at art.Also,the teacher were be nice to you.However,in the Renaissance
time.Your teacher will not take care at you,The master just make you do some humble works.When you slowly grow up,the teacher will tell you to paint some backgrounds in his painting.If you really work hard and want to be good at art,you can wind the teacher.Therefore,you need to work hard.