This website is the first I find,in side don't had any music and games.Therefore,I just look the posts.I learned that that early Native Americans built in the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys,or some long vanished civilization constructed them.Adobe structure that once housed over 400 people in 200 rooms,that is one special house.
This is the next website,this website is more wasy than last one.This website didn't had any games and music,same as the last one.I learned that it is one called Jim person saw the partial skeleton that no crime,Also,scientists have found only about 50 skeletons of such antiquity.
This is the last webasite I find,there don't had music and games.I watch the post and the picture.I learned that the first people to reach North America almost certainly did so without knowing they had crossed into a new continent,they are fllowing the game.On that time the mammoth began to die out.
Picture1:This is older Americans build house.
Picture2:This is one man are fiting fish.